[Tip][Eng] How to get updates for global privacy law changes using RSS feed

By working as an IT compliance officer, you need to monitor local and other countries’ legislation changes and news in real-time. There is a simple way you can monitor several legislation changes at once. The way is using RSS Feed. I will demonstrate how to monitor it using an RSS feed.

Step 1. Open the Google Chrome

Step 2. Go to chrome web store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions?hl=en 

Step 3. Add “RSS Feed Reader” to your chrome: 


Step 4. Go to the feeder screen

Step 5. Find the RSS feed link you want to add

I will say I need to monitor CCPA. Then, I shall get an update from the official CCPA website.

1) I search google with the keyword of “CCPA”. 


2) Enter the official website. 


3) Click the first icon, on the right top. 

4) Get the RSS feed link: https://oag.ca.gov/news/feed 

Step 6. Add the RSS feed link to RSS Feed Reader

Step 7. Choose to follow for the RSS Feed


Step 8. Whenever there is any update, you can get updates