By working as an IT compliance officer, you need to monitor local and other countries’ legislation changes and news in real-time. There is a simple way you can monitor several legislation changes at once. The way is using RSS Feed. I will demonstrate how to monitor it using an RSS feed.
Step 1. Open the Google Chrome
Step 2. Go to chrome web store:
Step 3. Add “RSS Feed Reader” to your chrome:
Step 4. Go to the feeder screen
Step 5. Find the RSS feed link you want to add
I will say I need to monitor CCPA. Then, I shall get an update from the official CCPA website.
1) I search google with the keyword of “CCPA”.
2) Enter the official website.
3) Click the first icon, on the right top.
4) Get the RSS feed link:
Step 6. Add the RSS feed link to RSS Feed Reader
Step 7. Choose to follow for the RSS Feed